Eat fresh fruit and vegetables as soon as possible rather than storing for a long time, or use frozen instead
According to botanists, who study and classify plants a fruit is the part of a plant that contains seeds. By this definition not only melons and plums but zucchinis, green beans , and tomatoes are all fruits. In fact based on this definition, any vegetable with seeds could be classified as a fruit in contrast, nutritionists, who study diet, reserve the term “fruit” only for sweet, fleshly fruits using “vegetable” for those that are low in fructose or fruit sugar.
Vegetables are usually eaten as part of a meal, while fruits are often eaten as a snack or dessert. Nutritionists argue that although tomatoes may be fruits from a botanical perspective they aren’t eaten the may typical fruits are so they’re vegetables. Depending on who you ask, a tomato can be considered a fruit a vegetable, or both.
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